
Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Ancient Egyptian {Writing}


Social studies we are looking at Egyptian technology, and how writing as a form of technology changed over the years.

Hieroglyphics is the writing system used for many years, which is one of Egypt's most mysterious history.  They used this type of writing which is drawing instead of the letters we use now. The pictures they draw represented each letter in the alphabet, but it was harder to understand since some pictures looked the same but had different meanings.

Example of Hieroglyphics(the drawing of my name)

This type of writing started changing as the years went on. Now we don't use pen and paper or have to draw pictures we can just write in letters that we can use easily and understand.
Technology improves each year now we have devices (e.g, phones, laptops and etc) to communicate with and use to write anything we want on, it doesn't take up as much time and doesn't need to be erased every time we make a mistake.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Stone Age Art


Another topic on Stone age we learned about was Stone age art.
Stone Art is paintings created in the Palaeolithic time, Which consists of human figures, animals and many more.
At the time they used to in-crave their picture into the stone in the cave.
They also used pigments{coloured powder} and binder{liquid} to draw their pictures.

Example:Stone age Art, It was believed that people in the stone age year created these paintings to say something. For example drawing pictures of men hunting bulls, is the lifestyle they lived which is hunting for food day and night.

For Social studies we worked on creating a story with the photos drawn from the palaeolithic time.

The first picture is a sketch of story I wanted to tell.
Family Lifestyle, I wanted to tell a story of a family on their daily lifestyle. Which is, while men hunt for food the kids gather everything to create the cook the food while the mum cleans diligently. 

We drew our sketches on a paper that was re-arranged to have a cave-like feel. My drawing took longer than I thought to paint on the paper, so to be able to paint many pictures may have been long to do in the old times as well.