Teine Sa
Where in the world is it from?
In Samoa in every village
but started in Lepea and Saleimoa.
- It all started with the telesa.
When Leila moves to Samoa, all she wants is a family, a place to belong. Instead she discovers the local ancient myths of the telesa spirit women are more than just scary stories. The more she finds out about her heritage, the more sinister her new home turns out to be. Embraced by a Covenant Sisterhood of earth's elemental guardians - what will Leila choose? Her fiery birthright as a telesa? Or will she choose the boy who offers her his heart? Daniel - stamped with the distinctive tattoo markings of a noble Pacific warrior and willing to risk everything for the chance to be with her. Can their love stand against the Covenant Keeper?
At first people started to get suspicious of the unnatural activities that happened around the village of Tanugamanono, which is where Timoteo Vaililo saw the first teina sa, as part of the village council he decided to address them about his discovery, instead of considering the fact that he might be telling the truth he became a laughing stock of the village, with people thinking he was crazy, even his family asked him if they needed to go to the hospital.
Timoteo Vaililo always saw the teine sa but never had the confidence to approach her. He grew tired of the village thinking he was crazy.He was determined to prove them wrong.
With the charming smile she puts on every time she lured in many young men. She despised the young ladies of the village that walked around luring in more men, which lead to some ladies to get sick the next day or getting seriously injured without a reason. Timoteo only wanted answers about these suspicious activities which led him right in her trap, the only answer he got from her was her name which was Sai puaaélo, not only did he walk straight into harm's way, but gotten his family involved to.
They are young and is feared by many.
Most fear them because of the stories they heard even I fear them even though I haven't seen any yet, but word says boys watch out they can lure you in with their charms, which can lead to your death.
Most people believe and most don't.
Well even though they are real some think they are just stories to scare kids and teens to listen to their parents, which may partly be true but some say they have actually seen it.
- Teine sa is known as the spirit women.
Most people fear and are intimidated by them while guys are just falling for them they appear as alluring young ladies that wonder small villages in Samoa. They are neither humans nor ghosts they are called spirit women(teine sa). Most believe and fear then but most disagree.
They have one or more Roaming the villages of Samoa.The story begins way back in ancient history with one women named telesa the first teine sa of the village Lepea, saumaeafe from Saleimoa Sinaleavele. The spirit of Alaoa and Tanugamanono.
- They have reasons why they are here
Story says that they are here to get people to go back to the times when everything was sacred like how it was peaceful and everyone respected the land and the community. Which was something everyone never disrespected. As people may think that they are embodiments of evil, well what people think would definitely be an exaggeration. These beautiful women, who apparently can hurt humans so easily, are the protectors of not only Samoan land, but also indigenous traditions and beliefs. In Pasifika, nature was always considered sacred. Forests, rivers, lagoons, and even single plants were often declared tapu, just do people would respect them.The island and the oceans were the sources of life: the homes of ancestors, the givers of food, the shelter and hope for the future generations. Now these days people start to forget their culture, traditions and beliefs. If you forget about your heritage you start to lose your identity, and the Teine Sa, they try to awaken those memories of the ancient times. These women demand respect for not only them but for Samoa as well.
- They can hurt humans
These young ladies are extremely jealous, they detest good-looking females. The ones that flaunt their physical appearance run the risk of getting seriously harmed. Remember this don't brush your hair at night, don't wear it down, don't misbehave or the teine sa will come after you. I always thought that it was just a story to scare teens but when I encountered one everything I have ever known are just facts, that needed to be proven true.
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