
Friday, 4 August 2017

Reading log

What is the name of the journal?
No sugar

When was it published?

Who published?
All rights reserved.

What is the name of the story?
Making a piupiu

Who wrote the story?
Erenora puketapu-hetet

Who are the characters in the story?
A women

What is the story about?
It's about making a traditional kind of skirt.

The story reminds me of....?
Of weaving in the islands when I watch my grandma weaving a mate

I think this is a good/bad story for people my age because?
Because you get to learn the reasons behind traditional things and how they are made to understand it.


  1. Its good but you need to add just a little bit more detail 🙂

  2. Its good but you need to add just a little bit more detail 🙂

  3. I like it but maybe you should make it sentences instead of questions and answers as it would make more sense.


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