
Friday, 13 April 2018

Human rights Evaluation/Reflection



In social studies for the past 10 weeks. We worked on the topic Human rights. Which included
-Child Labour,
-Child soldiers
-Human trafficking
and Slavery

In all these concepts human rights play a huge role in them.
-For child labour their rights that were taken away when they were forced to work in mining, making bricks and etc.
These were the rights that were taken away from them.
-the right to education
-the right to talk or have a opinion
-the right to live where they want
-the right to go where they want
-the right to not be forced to do anything.
and many more.

Out of all these rights every single one is important for each person or child to be able to do.
My own opinion is that, when I first learned about these horrendous jobs and choices the people are making made me want to learn more.
The jobs given or forced to a child made me want to get involved for this to never happen in our country; Maybe it is maybe it's not. But the fact that over a million children have to go through this much hardships at a young age. Made me as a person and child to take over for them and carry these hardships together.
We are so busy looking up the new Nike that we don't even know who made it. We just buy keep buying these things that are expensive without even knowing who even made it. Children
In this lifetime take things granted that aren't affordable to many, But, "who made it". They are children that are sold into labour and work day and night for the new "Nike" you wear or the new dress you just bought. I'm grateful to be brought up in a family who support and love each other, which is my hope for those children in child labour to have this in the near future.

For human trafficking in my opinion this shouldn't even be known or even be done to others.
This just takes away every right we have as people.
human trafficking- for people to just sell or trade people is just disgusting that any human being can do that.
I learned that for some countries these are just one of the governments task that they will either ignore or just left alone.
People in human trafficking even though they escape nothing will change they will always be brought back to where they were sold.
I know that many live a luxury life while others are just being traded around the world or sold. This topic gave me a reason to just be grateful that we can live a good life without taking anything for granted.


  1. looks good keep up the good werk

  2. I really like that you have put a lot of information no what you learnt and how this topic made you feel. Reading this really gave me an insight to your feelings about this topic. Next you could try adding more descriptive words to make your work better. But other than that It was great!


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