
Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Tomorrow When The War Began {Chapter 4}


Chapter 4

Do you think the way they handled the snake incident was appropriate? What could they have done differently?

* It was a good Idea but the way they did it wasn't as good. They could have stepped on the sleeping bag to kill it.

Ellie claims that ‘Hell’ is only a label and that people label things all the time, often ignoring or overlooking certain labeled places or things. She then comes to the conclusion that ‘Hell was people’. Is she right? What’s your opinion, on labeling and Hell?

* Her way of thinking about the name is good but Hell is not people we move and do things but this is just a place. Or she is right and the names are only given by people.

What was especially peculiar about the planes that flew over Hell? ‘Their ------, their ------, their----- frightened me.’ Do these characteristics have any significance?

Their noise, their speed, their darkness. Yes, they have significance.

Corrie and Kevin are the only couple in the group, but the trip was bound to bring friends closer. So why does Homer’s interest in Fi seem so odd to Ellie?

* Because he is known to not have any feelings for any girl and he labeled himself as the person who doesn't get any feelings for others.

Fi brushes off the planes coming back from Commemoration Day. Why do you think the planes were flying over Wirrawee?

* I think Lee talking about the War happening is true because the book title indicates that and the planes looked mysterious.

Robyn claims there were dozens and dozens of planes flying over them. What is Lee’s response? Is his suggestion reasonable?

He said "Its probably the start of World War Three." Yes because the planes seemed mysterious for it to be part of the commemoration day.

Health (Spiritual Well-being)


What did you think spiritual wellbeing was before you started this unit?

* I always though that it was always about peoples religion and beliefs.

What is spiritual wellbeing about?

* Spiritual wellbeing is about the things you believe in, and the things you think is right. For example,
life goals, religions and values.

Why does everyone have differing spiritual wellbeing?

* because each person is different they have a different mindset to others.

What area of spiritual wellbeing do you need to improve on and why?

* I think I need to improve on my goal setting, I tend to not set goals for myself unless I actually think I can do it.

What are your dreams?

* My dreams are to pass NCEA and be able to get into University.

I also always dreamed of traveling around the world.

What is a goal you have about education/life?

* I want to finish school, finish University, and make my parents proud and happy, not only education wise but also in Life.

What are three traditions that you have?

* FamilyReunions
* Birthday celebrations
* Christmas

Monday, 30 July 2018

Metal and Acids(experiment)


Testing for hydrogen gas


To show that hydrogen gas is produced when a metal reacts with acid.


* Test tube
* Boiling tube
* Bunsen burner
* Wooden splint
* A bottle of acid
* Piece of metal
* Safety glasses


1) light your Bunsen burner

2) Add your sample of metal to your test tube. Add 2 mL of acid.

3) Carefully invert the boiling tube above the test tube containing the metal and acid.

4) Hold the test tubes together for a few minutes, allowing time for the inverted boiling tube to fill with gas.

5) When you think the tube is full, your lab partner should light a wooden splint.

6) Carefully, but quickly, tilt the boiling tube full of gas upwards and insert the burning splint into the mouth of the test tube.

When the magnesium metal was added into the test tube that contained acid it started to fizz the, that fizz caused gas to fill up the boiling tube we covered the top of the test tube. When we inserted the splint flame into the boiling tube which contained the gas it made a popping sound.


Metal and Oxygen(experiment)


Making metal oxide


to make a metal oxide and observe the difference in properties of the product compared to the reactants.


* A piece of magnesium
* Bunsen burner
* safety glasses
* metal scissor tongs


1) Light Bunsen burner.

2) Hold your piece of magnesium in the scissor tongs. Ensure you are holding onto the very tip of the magnesium.

3) Place the other end of the magnesium into the Bunsen flame (at the top of the blue flame).

4) When the magnesium begins to burn, do not look directly at it, as the light emitted can permanently damage your eyes.

When we held the magnesium metal above the flame, it burned and created a shiny light.


Experiment on Oxygen


Testing for the presence of Oxygen


To carry out a test for the presence of oxygen gas (O2).


* A pea-sized amount of manganese dioxide (MnO2)
* Boiling tube
* Bottle of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
* Safety glasses
* wooden splint
* Bunsen burner
* test tube rack


1) Light you Bunsen burner

2) Add the manganese dioxide to the boiling tube and place it in your test tube rack.

3) Add 2 mL of hydrogen peroxide

4) Light a splint and let it burn for a while

5) Blow the splint out and insert the glowing embers into the mouth of the boiling tube,

When the splint was inserted into the boiling tube, pure oxygen gas appeared.

When The War Began Chapter 3


Chapter 3

1. Why does Robyn think that they are the only people ever to have gone into Hell?

Because maybe every other explorer, settlers or Koories have never bothered to look for the place in the beginning, and it's hard to get in too.

2. Why do you think the valley is called Hell?

Even though it may look pretty, there may be some hidden things that could be frightening for people to know. It's really hard to actually get into Hell.

3. Why must the teenagers seem like visitors from hell to the wild things living in the clearing? How is this Ironic?

The place was peaceful but when they arrived they created a lot of noise which is not common for the wild things to hear. This is Ironic because of their reaction.

4. What picture of Kevin do we get in this chapter?

He has a bad habit of breaking branches of the tree instead of walking a meter to pick some up. He wasn't what he was described as, for example, he was described as caring and sensitive, which was hard for Ellie to believe. He is also annoying and cocky

5. What does Ellie liken Fi to? Do you think this is a fair assessment of her character? Use examples from the text to support your thinking.

Exotic butterfly, Yes because Fi is one of a kind, she is behind on many things other people experience.

6. At times Ellie switches her narration from retelling the story to commenting about her life in the present-Why do you think the author has chosen to write in this style?

To remind us that this is in the past. Also maybe to make the story interesting

Monday, 2 July 2018

Visual Collage


In English, we were to create a digital visual collage of how term 2 went for me. My highlights, something I learned, ups and downs and who helped me with it.

The basketball picture represents me earning a spot on the senior basketball team which is one of my highlights.
The picture with a teacher in represents the people who helped me improve in each of my classes.
The picture of words represents my values as a person and the morals I have.
The extra picture represents year 10 camp when we had to do solo, which is staying in one spot with no lights for 40 minutes. Other pictures represent my personality

Sunday, 1 July 2018

The Power Of One SEXXY Essay


In English, we worked on how to write a SEXXY paragraph and then created our own based on the film The Power Of One.


The film The Power of One, directed by John Avildsen. Is based on the Apartheid that happened in South
Africa. Included in the film, was a variety of conflicts between the White people and Black. In the hang him up
scene, the main characters, P.K --an English boy -- and Jaapie Botha--an Afrikaner teen-- are shown in different
techniques to outline the confrontation they are about to have, surrounded by Afrikaner students. In the scene,
P.K is targeted as he’s English, and these aspects helped us understand the conflicts and hate was not only
between white and black but also between the English and Afrikaners. Techniques used were low-key lighting,
close-up and low angle. These film techniques gave us an idea of what will unfold throughout the confrontations.
Each film technique created different effects on the audience and changes in the way we think.

In the Hang him up scene the director uses low-key lighting to show how intense the scene will be. We see this
when the scene switched up from bright lighting to a darker lighting. Where Jaapie Botha is waiting for his carved
tattoo to be done, but only his face is shown in lighting that could be seen, while around him dim light is used.
The purpose of this was to give away how profound the scene is. Also giving the scene an atmosphere that would
fit with the confrontations happening between the students, Jaapie and P.K. This helps us understand how much
small detail can create an impact. The way the lighting was used gave us an understanding, of how quickly our emotions can change just by changing the lighting. This also helps us understand how much P.K has suffered
throughout his stay at the Afrikaner school. The struggles he had while having to endure the pain of bullying by
not only Jaapie but the students. This aspect can be compared to when P.K was teaching the black Africans English
in a Church but had to do so without getting caught by the Afrikaners - who were in power at the time- which can
be contrasted to when he was in the room with only Afrikaners around him. Instead of having fear or anger, he felt
confident to stand and speak without cowering in fear.

When P.K is brought into the room by force the director uses a close-up shot, to show through his expression that
he held mixed emotions about the scene which is unfolding right in front of him. For example, the director, John
Avildsen used this aspect to show how both Jaapie and P.K look at each other with intense stares. This was done
to display how instantly P.K’s facial expression changed from fear to anger as he struggles to get away from the
stronghold the students had on him, and as he suffers from the slap he receives from Jaapie Botha. This shows how
much power was radiating from Jaapie as he throws insults at P.K for something he was not responsible for. This
action made us feel more hatred towards Jaapie and the Afrikaners. This reminds me of one of the scenes in the
film, where Geel Piet--a black African-- was held up against the wall by an Afrikaner prison guard, Sergeant Borman
as he stares back in fear. The director used obvious shots to show who was in power and had the upper-hand in
the situation.

In the hang him up scene low angle is used deftly to make Jaapie appear mighty and powerful. This is demonstrated
when he is shown from a low angle standing while chanting “Hail Hitler” to the crowd. This shows how much power
he has. The director did this to give the effect of the difference of power in which each Afrikaner student had, as
every student respected and obeyed every instruction given by Jaapie. This gave the audience the feeling of being
threatened.  We can see an immense difference in power, but we know that power can create problems and
change. Which is what Jaapie believes in. This aspect can be linked to when the Headmaster was giving a
speech -standing up on the Podium- about how they will overthrow the English and gain the power they once lost,
back. This also made us feel threatened, by the amount of power he had. As no one had the audacity to speak,
but only listened.

In conclusion, The Power Of One by John Avildsen created an immense effect on the audience. The director uses
the techniques, low-key lighting, close-up and low angle efficiently throughout the scene. We see the Afrikaner
students, who are portrayed as bullies as to show respect to Jaapie Botha. As they manhandled P.K. each
technique had a significant effect on the emotions of the audience.