
Monday, 30 July 2018

Metal and Acids(experiment)


Testing for hydrogen gas


To show that hydrogen gas is produced when a metal reacts with acid.


* Test tube
* Boiling tube
* Bunsen burner
* Wooden splint
* A bottle of acid
* Piece of metal
* Safety glasses


1) light your Bunsen burner

2) Add your sample of metal to your test tube. Add 2 mL of acid.

3) Carefully invert the boiling tube above the test tube containing the metal and acid.

4) Hold the test tubes together for a few minutes, allowing time for the inverted boiling tube to fill with gas.

5) When you think the tube is full, your lab partner should light a wooden splint.

6) Carefully, but quickly, tilt the boiling tube full of gas upwards and insert the burning splint into the mouth of the test tube.

When the magnesium metal was added into the test tube that contained acid it started to fizz the, that fizz caused gas to fill up the boiling tube we covered the top of the test tube. When we inserted the splint flame into the boiling tube which contained the gas it made a popping sound.


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