
Friday, 28 September 2018

Health Assignment


Link to the Assignment

Explain how this app will enhance the user's wellbeing in the short term and long term. You need to discuss all 4 dimensions of wellbeing.

Drug use/Alcohol/smoking 

Physical - These types of addictions can have a massive impact on your physical well-being. It is really unhealthy to be ingesting these sort of things. Types of drugs you take can cause your body to react in many ways. Drinking alcohol is a massive effect on your weight and safety. Smoking can cause lung cancer and be very harmful. You are STOP! or make yourself aware of these consequences.

Mental and Emotional-  Again these addictions still have a massive impact on your mental and emotional well-being. They can kill off a lot of your brain cells and affect you in a negative way. Drug use is probably one of the worse things that affect your mental and emotional well-being. How? Well using drugs can enhance your feelings or make you see and believe things you would not usually see. They blindside us to believe things that aren't really true. Alcohol and smoking also play a huge part. They heighten your emotions and can cause you to over-react/stress/cry etc... You need to look after yourself.

Social- All of these addictions affect your social well-being equally. Yes, even smoking. How? Because many people have lost others from lung cancer etc... They may glare at your or move away from you because they are either disgusted or do not approve of your choices. Many people also feel unsafe around people who are intoxicated and also high on drugs. You need to quit!

Spiritual- This app provides addicts with stress-free ways that can help them go through the process of quitting their addiction. People with addictions suffer from being treated differently, which can affect the way they look at themselves and their beliefs, that completely change to what others think of them. Addicts battle with themselves within because they can't help it. Its natural for them, after all, they consume more and they just think its normal to keep doing it.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Tomorrow,When the war began


Killing someone accidentally without knowing what you are doing.
For example, hitting someone not knowing it will kill them, another example is Ellie who killed the soldiers by blowing up the lawn mower and regretted it afterward.

Being annoyed, angry and frustrated at a certain someone or something.
For example, I was aggravated at the referee for not calling the fouls.

Being part of a small group that takes part in anything around them which includes fighting and more, good and bad.

When you say something out of nowhere in the middle of a conversation every now and then.
For example, she interjected saying a weird question.

When you know you will win a certain sport and you will, which smug is the feeling you get afterward, feeling superior/powerful
For example, he felt smug after winning the championship

Being violent to anything that is being done.
For example, she was vicious while playing basketball

To do something in a forceful way or clearly.

confused fight or struggles at close quarters. An act of sound moving in a hurried

Strike with a glancing blow.

To make someone ecstatically happy.

Thursday, 13 September 2018




1. Types of Volcanoes?
* Cinder Cone volcanoes

* Composite volcanoes

* Shield volcanoes

* Lava Domes

2. The top ten most active volcanoes in the World?
1. Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland – Icelandic for “Island mountain glacier”

2. Mount Vesuvius, Italy

3. Sakurajima, Japan

4. Mount Merapi, Indonesia

5. Mount Nyiragongo, D.R of Congo

6. Ulawan, Papua New Guinea

7. Taal volcano, Philippines

8. Mauna Loa, Hawaii

9. Galeras, Colombia

10. Santa Maria, Guatemala

3. What are the five biggest ever eruptions in the world?

1. Mount Tambora

2. Mount Krakatoa

3. Mount Pelee

4. Mount Ruiz

5. Mount Vesuvius

4. What supervolcanoes could erupt in the future?

it is the Yellowstone that is most likely to erupt in the future because it is one of the biggest volcanoes in the world and can kill 87,000 people.

5. What happens during an eruption?

When magma reaches the earth´s surface it is called lava. It may pour out in gentle streams called lava flows or erupt violently into the air. Rocks ripped loose from the inside of the volcano or torn apart by the gas that may be shot into the air with lava. These rocks blown out of the volcano are called the pyroclastic rocks.

6. Does the sun have an effect on volcanism?

In the climate model, both the reduced output from the sun and the increased amount of volcanic aerosols{fine particles which reflect sunlight away from the earth and which are ejected into the stratosphere by volcanic eruptions} contribute a sizeable amount to the northern hemisphere cooling seen in temperature reconstruction, their relative importance depends upon uncertain estimates of exactly how much each changed relative to a century later.

Tomorrow, When the war began {chapter 21}


Chapter 21

1. What is it that primarily attracts Fi to Homer? 
Fi said e is like two people, he is shy with her but confident with other people.

2. What are Fi’s intentions regarding Homer? 
She wants to learn about farming, so when they marry she can help him heaps.

3.  does this surprise Ellie? 
Because Fi seemed delicate and timid but she also ha a determination that Ellie never recognizes.

4. How do Ellie and Fi feel as they are leaving the scene on their motorbikes? Are these real feelings?
Ellie hearing Fi plea for her made her feel like Fi needed her, and that she was important to her.

5. Why do you think the group decided to blow up the bridge? 
So that there no way for the soldiers to move across the whole nation with there vehicles.

6. How is this exploit different from the other exploits the group has been on?
This is way more dangerous than anything they have ever done because whatever they do could harm one another.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Tomorrow, When the war began {chapter 20}

Chapter 20


1. Why is Ellie nervous about being paired with Fi? 
She was nervous because realizedthem get scared by small movements so she is nervous when they start executing their plan Fi might freeze in fear.

2. What is true courage according to Ellie? 
¨True courage is when you're really scared but you still do it¨

3. Were her concerns about Fi realized? Explain. 
No, her concerns weren't realized because Fi did not do what she was afraid of.

4.  What is a clue that Fi’s relationship with Homer is becoming serious? 
When they both said ¨I love you¨ to each other in front of both Ellie and Lee through the Walkie-talkie

5. What problems do Fi and Ellie encounter on their mission to bring the tanker to the appropriate place under the bridge? How do they deal with these problems

The gate had a big lock so they had to cut through the fence. They smashed through the gate with the truck.
The continuous beeping sound and the red warning brake light flashing. Air brakes had to build up pressure for the beeping to stop.
When they saw patrol and had to hide quickly. They hid in a family garden.
When Ellie got scared to smash through the gate. She got rid of those fears and just did it.
Ellie reversed too quickly then slewed and hit a stanchion. They checked and the tank was ok.

Ellie and Fi got over these problems and continued their plan.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Tomorrow, When the war began {chapter 19}

Chapter 19


1. What makes Ellie think the soldiers walking past them are professionals? 

They were very frighteningly efficient in what they were doing. The soldier reacted as if someone has pushed a button on their backs. They leaped around, spread out in a wide line and threw themselves to the ground

2. What do the soldiers fire at in the bushes?

 The soldiers were firing at the rabbit.

3. What are some clues that the group is starting to think ‘more like soldiers’? 

They are thinking more like soldiers, like strategic planning. They are also taking orders and each person has a purpose. They are also taking note of little details to help out.

4. Do you think Homer’s plan will work? What problems do you think they might encounter? 

Yes, it will work, but the problems they might face is when the soldiers wouldn't care about the cattle and are more focused on patrolling. The cattle may not listen or follow their orders.

5. What does Homer suggest they do when the group goes up to the Heron? 

Homer wanted to have a look at something on the Heron so he can think of a plan/idea.
They are going to drive the truck under the bridge then Homer is going to shock the cattle so they speed up through the bridge.

6. What are his strategies to put his plan into action?

They are going to muster the cows then herd the cows in the direction they want them to go. The cows are a distraction for the soldiers.

Tomorrow, When the war began {chapter 18}

Chapter 18


1. What does Ellie find primarily attractive about Lee?
Lee's mind was intelligent, sensitive face, and she felt security around him.

2. Who is she attracted to physically?
Ellie finds Homer attractive.

3. What are the group's options according to homer?
-One sit tight do nothing
-Two have a go at getting the families and possibly other people.
-Three Do something else to help the good guys.

4. What do they decide to do and why?
They felt they had to do something so they talk about the road from Cobbler's bay because that is where most of the action is. They decided that Homer, Fi, Lee, and Ellie would go out that following night and concentrate over there.

Tomorrow, When the war began {chapter 17}

Chapter 17


1. Why does Ellie feel uncomfortable with Chris bringing cigarettes and alcohol into Hell? 

Ellie thinks they aren't essential as the other things were knocked off.

 2. What is meant by a ''clean war''? Why are the invaders so intent on having a 'clean war'? 

 If there's no talk of concentration camps and torture and rape and stuff, there is less chance of countries like America getting involved.

3. What happens to the soldiers involved in the lawnmower incident, according to Robyn? How does this make Ellie feel? t

Two of them died and two of the people they ran over is injured this has made Ellie feel a little bit nervous and she was shocked but then she felt okay.

4. Why do you think the prisoners are sent to clean up the houses around town?

They had to clean out moldy food, and dead pets and to pick up valuables, like jewelry. If they left something valuable behind their family back at the showground will be punished.

 5. What does Kevin want to bring into Hell by way of livestock? Do you think his idea is a good one? Why/Why not. 

Kevin wants to bring ferrets into hell because he doesn't want to be a vegetarian and it's a way to keep on meat. This is a good idea because he is thinking about food and types of animals they could eat and how easy it is to train ferrets.