
Thursday, 13 September 2018




1. Types of Volcanoes?
* Cinder Cone volcanoes

* Composite volcanoes

* Shield volcanoes

* Lava Domes

2. The top ten most active volcanoes in the World?
1. Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland – Icelandic for “Island mountain glacier”

2. Mount Vesuvius, Italy

3. Sakurajima, Japan

4. Mount Merapi, Indonesia

5. Mount Nyiragongo, D.R of Congo

6. Ulawan, Papua New Guinea

7. Taal volcano, Philippines

8. Mauna Loa, Hawaii

9. Galeras, Colombia

10. Santa Maria, Guatemala

3. What are the five biggest ever eruptions in the world?

1. Mount Tambora

2. Mount Krakatoa

3. Mount Pelee

4. Mount Ruiz

5. Mount Vesuvius

4. What supervolcanoes could erupt in the future?

it is the Yellowstone that is most likely to erupt in the future because it is one of the biggest volcanoes in the world and can kill 87,000 people.

5. What happens during an eruption?

When magma reaches the earth´s surface it is called lava. It may pour out in gentle streams called lava flows or erupt violently into the air. Rocks ripped loose from the inside of the volcano or torn apart by the gas that may be shot into the air with lava. These rocks blown out of the volcano are called the pyroclastic rocks.

6. Does the sun have an effect on volcanism?

In the climate model, both the reduced output from the sun and the increased amount of volcanic aerosols{fine particles which reflect sunlight away from the earth and which are ejected into the stratosphere by volcanic eruptions} contribute a sizeable amount to the northern hemisphere cooling seen in temperature reconstruction, their relative importance depends upon uncertain estimates of exactly how much each changed relative to a century later.

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