Pre-reading activity:
Inherited - I inherited my grandmother's ring.
Expelled - Today I got expelled from school for involving myself in a fight with other students.
Persuaded - I persuaded my mother to let me get my first tattoo.
Transferred - The money had been transferred into my account.
Atmosphere - The atmosphere was intense at the court hearing today.
Armament - Armament was gathered for the war.
Pouting - She was pouting to get what she wanted.
Apprentice(s) - I have an apprentice to help do the job.
Cavalier - His cavalier attitude was annoying to look at.
Holy orders - The Holy order was given to the members of the parish to complete the sacrament of a Holy Communion.
2. The Tittle
Friendly - Kind and pleasant.
The text will involve a group of friends.
feelings - Happy, overwhelm, joyous, fulfilled, excited, positive.
Persuasion - the action or process of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something.
A set of beliefs, especially religious or political.
This says that text will involve a lot of different activities.
feelings - Pressured, uneasy, uncomfortable, indecisive, uncertain, annoyed from the pressure.
b) I think the story might be about a group of friends who get involved in different activities, this causes them to want to get the whole group involved and may even get them into trouble.
Because the vocab about the text includes words that would mean to get someone involved or to get someone to join in.
The Background/Context Of The Extract.
Write down three to six words that you would associate with the word 'school'.
Teacher, Uniform, Classrooms, Rules, Violations.
2) Now that you have read through the text, finish the following sentence:
My first impression of this extract is how different the text is to what I had imagined using the vocab provided from the text.
Because I thought that the text would be about a group of friends getting into trouble because of a planned that one person came up with but in the text, that Alan is just not mature enough to understand what he does and that he is smothered by the students around him making him want to continue his behavior.
3) I was incorrect when I predicted what would come about in the text by using the vocab provided.
I think this is because the words can always have double meanings. The prediction I thought off was the opposite of what had happened in the text. The words used in the text to give a different feeling and understanding.
One thing that surprised me about the story is when Alan starts a fire that harms him and his mini. I would think that he would survive the whole time.
4) Parents:
I think the intended audience is the parents because of how their kids become like Alan if not disciplined from a young age. The way they would act at school is the way they act at home. The text tells us that the parents of Alan cannot strain him down of the behavior he now has. Alan already knows how to get what he wants from his parents and used it against them.
From the text, it says "he'd managed to persuade his parents that he was repentant enough to be allowed a night out". By his parents letting him go out even though they grounded him shows that they would do anything for him.
Using the 'three-level reading guide'
1) Level one
a) False
b) True
c) True
d) True
Level two:
a) False
b) False
c) True
d) True
Level three:
a) True
b) True
c) False
d) True
Letter d.
This is true because Alan has gotten away with anything with his parents. In the text, it says "Alan is such a cheerful boy at home that they did not want to upset him. This shows that even though Alan is in the wrong they still took his side.
Identifying the 'Point Of Change'
Authors purpose: to teach a lesson.
Narrator's attitude.
1) The seventh paragraph.
2) The change in this paragraph is when the narrator becomes more serious in the case of when Alan takes things too far. Alan was described as charming and not so bad, but later on, the author becomes serious because he is causing damage and grief to people.
3) How does this point of change help us understand the purpose of this piece of writing?
The school did not want him so he transferred and the next school did not want him, so he was rejected again because he would continue to make mistakes that would get him into trouble.
Using the title to help you understand the author's purpose.
1) Why do you think the title of this story is appropriate?
The title is appropriate because Alan's parents had persuaded him to transfer to a different school and Alan persuaded his parents that he should get a night out. This shows that each point of view is the same. No arguments are involved with each persuasion happening between Alan and his parents.
2) This relates to the author's attitude towards the characters in the story because of all the different ideas that revolve around one character, for example, Alan the author gave him various characteristics that make him likable in the eyes of the girls and boys.
3) (my own title)
4) how do the title and the point of change work together to get the author's purpose across to the reader?
Identifying the text is communicated
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