
Friday, 24 February 2017


We started the year in English class with some work on getting to know each other then we started on reading a book every beginning of the lesson called Hugo Cabret

Theme:The Invention Of Hugo Cabret

Who:Hugo,the old man, his uncle, his dad and a girl.

What:Well this book is a about a kid that struggles through life after his dad the inventor passed away and he had a hard time living with his uncle who fixed clocks for a living but gets drunk everyday and he told him that stealing is what he does to get things and adding to his problems a old man that always sees Hugo differently and one day meeting Hugo while he was trying to steal and from his store and saw him holding a notebook which he took off him and Hugo tried to get it back but he wouldn't give it back and then he meet a girl which knows a lot about the old man and she said she will help and get his notebook back but the old man one day told Hugo that he burned his notebook but the next day he decided to give back to but he has to work for it.

When:18th century

Where:Train station,toy store,clock towers

Why: Because he struggles through because his uncle ends up leaving him by himself and never returns so he had to lay low so the he doesn't get caught and get taken to the orphanage.

Google Classroom

Well we use google classroom to a access things together as a class and it is easier than having to email it.

We did some testing as well a E-asttle-PAT well I think it was alright as of the beginning of the year testing but both had some hard problems but I got through them all.


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