
Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Guitar Skills


Evaluation Music


Music Assessment-
I played "What about us" by Pink because I felt like I could play and the melody got me wanting to play it more.

At first I was super nervous then when I started playing that went away and I got play the whole piece including the left hand chords. Even though I kind of messed up it was good

Change performance-
I would be more confident without being nervous so I could show a better performance.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Slave Trade Triangle Map

What is the Slave Trade Triangle?
Is what people refer to as a transatlantic, a trading pattern. It's where the slaves or the products produced by slaves are being traded in a pattern to each colonies. (Europe)
What is the First Passage?
It is the voyage from Europe to Africa, the cargo carried are guns and other
weapons. Africans at that time were also Kidnapped as slaves
What is the Middle Passage?
Africans were taken to the Caribbean andSold. They were bartered for a ship-load
Of tobacco and cotton. The rest of the Slaves were shipped to the U.S.A and
Processed for auction. Also where the Items produced by slaves were put on
What is the Third Passage?
All cotton, tobacco and other products Are put back on ships and sent to Europe
Once the ships get to Europe they are Sold. Then more guns and weapons are

Friday, 16 February 2018

Week 3-Creative Writing

What new things have you learned?

I learned that, when I put pressure on myself to get something done on time I get it done to a standard I like, I also learned more about creative writing is not about how you write it, its about how you can make it interesting or eye-catching.

How have you learned them?

By using more descriptive words in my writings. Also reading through my writings and thinking if I was someone else would I want to read it, or would it be interesting.

What activities in particular did you find enjoyable, interesting or fun?

I really enjoyed writing my Haiku because I never really thought that I could actually write one, but I proved myself wrong

What specifically was interesting to you and why?

All the writings we did, because I could put my ideas into something we are learning and also I could think really hard about it to make it something I would want to read over and over.

What I have done.

Haiku poems {already on blog}

What makes a "good" writing?

New and modern Ideas
Dramatic story lines
Conflict and Tension 

Sensory language paragraph

As I walk down the busy street of New York. A range of sounds hit me as I remove my headphones, people yelling and cars honking at each other, But the most intoxicating whiff snapped me out of my thoughts. Just in front of me was a small diner, I could literally notice myself drooling over the scent, which got my stomach rumbling. As I got myself the far end table in the diner, savouring the astonishing food in front of me, which I noted to remember as a memory.  

What is a metaphor?
Is like a way of describing something beyond the way it really is in reality, metaphor could go overboard with the description to get us to imagine the way it is.  

What is a simile?
Is a way of comparing something similar  one thing to another, for example saying it like in a dramatic way, “jesy whipped through the crowd like a girl on a uncompleted mission”.

  • Something you feel
  • A metaphor is a tree, strong and natural
  • All the world's a stage
  • Not a type of simile it is just similar


  • Using like or as
  • Is a type of metaphor

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Number Visuals {Maths}


For this activity we as a class and group looked and different shapes which were up to 35,
we had to figure out what kind of pattern it was in, because some shapes looked alike just different amount of squares, triangles or circles in the shape.

We as a group had to come up with a conclusion of how the patterns on the paper were connected to each other.

Some groups concluded their findings that some patterns if you add up the number would equal the next pattern. for example the fifth pattern has 5 and the next pattern is ten which looks the same.

Image result for number visual maths

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Human Rights

What I learned about human rights?

I have learned that not all of the human rights are known to many people around the world, not only are they unknown, they are also not used as of now many people around the world still suffer from Torture, Slavery and many more. So far in the subject, human rights, I still think that governments should put these rights further up in their priorities.
So many can live the life they wish for.

Extracting DNA from a banana

Aim: I want to investigate how to extract DNA from a banana.

* 50 g of banana
* food blender
* a piece of clean muslin 20×20 cm
* distilled water
* 250 mL beaker
* dishwashing detergent
* measuring cylinder
* cold 95% ethanol ( kept in fridge)
* universal indicator solution.
* boiling tube with rubber bung
* hooked wire on a handle
* petri dish.
* cauliflower or strawberry can be used instead of banana.

(1) Place 50 g of banana and 100mL of distilled water in the food blender and switch on high for 20 seconds.
( breaks up food sample)

Pour the blended banana mixture through a piece of clean muslin into a beaker.
( they will remove annul lumps)

Measure out 15 mL of the blended banana mix and pour into a boiling tube. Add 6 drops of dish washing detergent, put a rubber, bung into the tube and shake for at least 5 minutes( mixture should become thick and gooey)
( shaking with detergent breaks open cells and release their contents)

Carefully add 15mL of cold alcohol to the tube of banana mixture. The alcohol forms a layer of top of the blended banana.
( this separates out the DNA)
To collect the DNA, dip a hooked wire into the mixture where the layers meet, then turn the wire to twist DNA onto the wire hook. Carefully remove the hook with the DNA and place on to a clean petri dish. Watch carefully as you lift the DNA from the mixture.
Add some universal indecator solution to your DNA.

What does the DNA look like?
I thought it we wouldn't have a lot but the DNA looked white.
What is the pH of DNA (answer)
Is DNA acidic, basic or neutral?
What is the full name of DNA?
Deoxyribonucleic Acid

One of the processes that scientist can carry out using DNA extracted from cells is DNA Fingerprint. What is DNA Fingerprint, and what is it used for?
Genetic fingerprint.
It is a technique that detects a lot mini satellites in genome.