
Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Slave Trade Triangle Map

What is the Slave Trade Triangle?
Is what people refer to as a transatlantic, a trading pattern. It's where the slaves or the products produced by slaves are being traded in a pattern to each colonies. (Europe)
What is the First Passage?
It is the voyage from Europe to Africa, the cargo carried are guns and other
weapons. Africans at that time were also Kidnapped as slaves
What is the Middle Passage?
Africans were taken to the Caribbean andSold. They were bartered for a ship-load
Of tobacco and cotton. The rest of the Slaves were shipped to the U.S.A and
Processed for auction. Also where the Items produced by slaves were put on
What is the Third Passage?
All cotton, tobacco and other products Are put back on ships and sent to Europe
Once the ships get to Europe they are Sold. Then more guns and weapons are


  1. Lenora, you are putting together some good work. Do you think anything like this could happen today?

  2. You are doing some decent work Lenora keep it up. Its good to tell what people in Slavery did , like how they were treated and what they had to do like work from sunrise to sunset.
    Good Job


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