
Sunday, 25 March 2018

Guitar Evaluation {music}


What did you find challenging about Guitar skills?

I personally find it hard to move my fingers to the next chord since I have to stay in tune with the song I chose but I did it quite well.

How did you feel about your skills test?

I feel like I could have done better if I didn't use the strumming pattern since I was nervous my hand just ended up strumming the chords instead of playing it like I practised.

Which instrument would you like to focus on next term? and Why?

I would focus more on piano since I find that easier for me to learn and play.
I also like the sound of a song from the piano when completely learned.
I would also try singing while playing.

Friday, 23 March 2018

Paragraph writing {Iqbal}


{S}Iqbal is a young boy in Pakistan, who was invaded of his right to freedom and to speak when he was
sold in child labour. he was punished for speaking his opinion.
{E}Everyone should have the right to live where they want and go where they want.
When Iqbal did something wrong, Hussain his owner would look him in the chamber chained to a wall.
Which is where he stays until he is allowed to be freed.
{E}Because of these punishments he nearly gave up on trying to escape. Every child should have a
chance to live their childhood to the fullest, but Iqbal lost that chance at a very young age. Including other
children in child Labour.
{L}Iqbal also lost his rights to Education.

Social language:
Rights to education
Speaking his opinion

Child Labour


Thursday, 15 March 2018

Observing the energy contained within food {experiment}


Aim: To release the energy within a "cheezel" by burning it.

Equipment: Bunsen burner, Cheezel, scissors tongs, heatproof mat.

1} Place your Bunsen burner on a heatproof mat and light it.

2} Gently hold the Cheezel in the scissors tongs.

3} Ignite the Cheezel by placing one side of it in the Bunsen flame.

4} When the Cheezel is a light, ensure you hold it over you heatproof mat.

Observation: Once we put the cheezel on the fire it burns and produces a substance which is when carbon is produced.
Also turns black when burned.

1} Give three reasons why we need to respire
a} warmth

2} Compare and contrasts the process of combustion and respiration.
Similarities: both need oxygen and carbon also produce heat
Differences: respiration releases energy slowly. combustion requires more energy to start.

Observing the Effects of Anaerobic Respiration {experiment}

Aim- To demonstrate the effects of anaerobic respiration{muscle fatigue}
Equipment- A spring-loaded clothes peg.
1: Hold the clothes peg as shown in the diagram.

2: Relax your thumb so that the peg closes all the way

3: Squeeze your thumb and forefinger so the peg is fully open.

4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 as quickly as you can until you experience muscle fatigue.

1} Explain what type of respiration your cells are using:
    {a} At the beginning of the exercise:
    {b} At the end of exercise:

2} Write an equation to summaries anaerobic respiration.
Glucose--- lactic acid+small amount of ATP (energy)

3} Explain why anaerobic respiration is considered "wasteful" respiration.
Because the total energy yield from each other glucose molecule is only a fraction of what is released when compared to aerobic respiration.

Since we used a elastic rubber band we experienced muscle fatigue a lot faster in my opinion than a peg.

Monday, 12 March 2018



multiplying negative numbers{positive or negative}

When people look at integers they would automatically think it's hard but when you understand it properly you will know how to work it out.

So for beginners Multiplying negatives seems hard but when you keep trying it wouldn't be as hard.

Multiply a number by two negatives give a positive.
e.g} 12 times -13 time -17 times 24
 since there are two negative equations then the answer is positive.

Even numbers gives a positive answer
If there are even numbers of negative numbers the answer is positive.

going up in negative{3} is negative
                   {4} negatives is positive  -   - = +
                   {5} negatives is negative and do on. -  + = -

Same with dividing
e.g} -3 times 8 divide by -2 =24    -24 divide by -2 = =positive 12
        1 times -8 times 6 {over} 8 times 6 =  -48 {over} -3 times -4 =12

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Chicken Leg Dissection {experiment}


*A chicken drumstick and thigh are similar in construction to the human leg.

In this dissection, you will locate and describe the various tissues and the structures of the drumstick and thigh of a chicken.

Chicken drumstick with thigh
dissecting probe
dissecting scissors
paper towels
dissecting tray
disinfectant hand wash and spray.

1} Wear gloves
2} Do not put anything in your mouth{fingers, pens, etc} during the dissection.
3} Wash your hands thoroughly at the end of the dissection with antibacterial soap and hot water. Ensure your hands are dried after washing.
4} Spray surfaces with antibacterial soap.

1} place the chicken leg on a dissecting tray and examine{look at}the exterior features. The tough outer layer is called the epidermis{or skin}. The small bumps covering the skin are where the feathers were attached.

2}Examine the lower leg. This is called the drumstick and it is equivalent{same as} of your lower leg. The large muscle at the back of the leg is the same as your gastrocnemius. It also includes two bones-the tibia{the large one} and fibula{the thinner, smaller one}.

3} Examine the upper leg. On both a chicken and a human this part is called the thigh. It contains a large bone called the femur.

4} Carefully pull the skin off sliding it down and off the lower leg. You may need to use your scalpel to remove it, but be careful not to cut any muscle tissues.

5} The yellowish material under the skin is fat{adipose}.

{Q} a} Outline the function of adipose tissue.
            Insulation {keeps us warm} energy.

{Q} b} Is there more adipose tissues in the thigh or the drumstick?

6} The muscles of the leg, like all muscles work in bundles. Separate a bundle pf muscle by inserting your thumb into the muscle of the lower leg. You will notice that the muscle bundle is covered is a silvery lining called the fascia and this makes it harder to separate. But if you push hard enough you will tear it and find that separating muscles bundles is a lot easier.

7} At either end of the muscles, you will see white cord-like tissues. These cords are called tendons. Tendons attach muscle to bone.

8} Using the scalpel, carefully remove all the muscles from the lower leg. Using your dissection probe to examine any blood vessels you find and try to determine which muscles the blood is supplied to.

9} Near the bone you should see thin, thread-like strands. These are the nerves.

10} Using the dissection scissors, cut across the tendons that join the muscles to the bones. Be careful not to cut any ligaments that attach bone to bone . You should end up with all the bones still attached to each other, but no muscle tissue present.

11} Move the bones around the joints. The main joint between the bones of the lower leg and the femur is a hinge joint like the one in your knee. Note how the bones can move only in one plane.

12} Using your scalpel, carefully cut the ligaments, keeping the bones together.

13} In the joint between the bones is a piece of cartilage. Cartilage allows joints to move smoothly and protects the bones against shocks to the body.

14} Break one bone in half examine the marrow. This is where blood cells are made.

15} Clean up your work area. Ensure you clean your bench using antibacterial spray. Wash you hands thoroughly with plenty of antibacterial soap and water.

{Q} Observations:
 That we found where the muscles, tendons and bones also we saw where the blood vessels supplies their blood, also how similar it is to human lower leg.
We mostly have adipose{fat} under our skin to keep us warm which we have a lot of.

Friday, 9 March 2018

The Narrative {Creative Writing}


What Topics have we covered?

We did "Shoe don't tell"
The buildings were tall
“A high shadow casted upon many”

Sarah was really upset
“Her eyes buffy red, tear stains on her cheek as she remembers the torment she went through”

She was happy to see him
“The exciting glint could be seen in her eyes as she embraces him tight in her arms”

The lake is beautiful

“Gazing across the shimmering lake, too deep in thought”.

"Setting" "Setting it up"

"Setting as a backdrop"

I remember waiting for this season every year, with the sun blistering my skin,
having a sense of warmth dominate me, the tenderness feeling of seawater crash
at my feet. A light breeze passed by with a hint of peach and vanilla.
Watching families enjoy freedom, but me hoping for a chance to do this with my own family.
The way they gaze at each other made my heart clench in a pained emotion.

The low tide crashing against the sand under the scorching sun, towels laid scattered
across the beach, the bright sun that brought a new feeling, the walls made of bricks
shadowed upon the pathway. The feeling of loss consumes me,
remembering any good days left in my memory before hearing voices fade away
as I felt my body being lifted, hoping all this pain would disappear.
He welcomed me with open arms, darkness is what I describe him.
I could feel his presence even without him being there, the phantom only I could notice.
He comes and then in a blink of an eye he disappears before dawn. His presence would
give me warmth but also the feeling of being petrified. When I look into his mesmerising
eyes that glowed bright in the dark, they are filled with different kinds of emotions that
lured me closer to him,you could clearly see him from a distant. His whole form would
give me warmth but with just looking into his enchanting eyes, that{long pause} made me
feel something no one would make me feel inside, wanting to find out more I try to get
closer, but the closer I get the more my body starts to give into the darkness.
I kept walking and walking until I’m completely engulfed in the darkness unconsciously
with one last thought, “I don’t feel any more pain”.

"Character" Antagonist and Protagonist

What new things have you learned?

That it is hard to create a creative writing that would be eye catching to readers, also when writing make sure to be descriptive about the setting of the story to give it more meaning.

How is this going to help you be a better creative writer?

I could have a lot of readers that would enjoy reading my writing and it would be because of the words I use.

What activities did you enjoy from this unit? Why?

My favourite activity would be writing a backdrop because I was able to write something that I don't usually do or write about, and fast.

Which styles of learning work best for you? Can you identify and obstacles to your learning these past two weeks?

I like to be able to understand something properly before I start working like asking again when the class starts to work or sometimes I just try it without asking.
The obstacles I faced was when I couldn't be able to finish work because we ran out of time, but I was able to finish so not that much obstacles occurred.