
Thursday, 15 March 2018

Observing the Effects of Anaerobic Respiration {experiment}

Aim- To demonstrate the effects of anaerobic respiration{muscle fatigue}
Equipment- A spring-loaded clothes peg.
1: Hold the clothes peg as shown in the diagram.

2: Relax your thumb so that the peg closes all the way

3: Squeeze your thumb and forefinger so the peg is fully open.

4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 as quickly as you can until you experience muscle fatigue.

1} Explain what type of respiration your cells are using:
    {a} At the beginning of the exercise:
    {b} At the end of exercise:

2} Write an equation to summaries anaerobic respiration.
Glucose--- lactic acid+small amount of ATP (energy)

3} Explain why anaerobic respiration is considered "wasteful" respiration.
Because the total energy yield from each other glucose molecule is only a fraction of what is released when compared to aerobic respiration.

Since we used a elastic rubber band we experienced muscle fatigue a lot faster in my opinion than a peg.

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