
Thursday, 15 March 2018

Observing the energy contained within food {experiment}


Aim: To release the energy within a "cheezel" by burning it.

Equipment: Bunsen burner, Cheezel, scissors tongs, heatproof mat.

1} Place your Bunsen burner on a heatproof mat and light it.

2} Gently hold the Cheezel in the scissors tongs.

3} Ignite the Cheezel by placing one side of it in the Bunsen flame.

4} When the Cheezel is a light, ensure you hold it over you heatproof mat.

Observation: Once we put the cheezel on the fire it burns and produces a substance which is when carbon is produced.
Also turns black when burned.

1} Give three reasons why we need to respire
a} warmth

2} Compare and contrasts the process of combustion and respiration.
Similarities: both need oxygen and carbon also produce heat
Differences: respiration releases energy slowly. combustion requires more energy to start.

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