
Monday, 28 May 2018

My SEXXY paragraph



In English we were given a picture from the movie "The Power Of One" {down below}, Which we then write a SEXXY paragraph about. We look at every single detail to create a paragraph from that one image.


of Director’s
of Effect
Your Link
The director
a two-shot
in the scene to
show that
Borman is using
his baton to
Geel Piet
the wall.
This aspect s
how Geel
Piet is at a
having nothing
defend himself with.

The director
a two-shot to
us looking
closely at the
scene awaiting
of what
the film
is going. While
making us
on what
might happen
to Geel Piet.

This scene made
the audience have
mixed emotions,
feeling hurt that this
even happened in
the past, and
anxious as to
whom will end up

This aspect
can be
to the scene
where P.K
was getting
bullied by
Jaapie Botha,
and having to
endure getting
pissed on.
Having no way
of getting out
of his hold.

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Hokey Pokey


1} put all ingredients except baking soda in saucepan over LOW HEAT.
2} Raise heat slightly so it's bubbles, stir until sugar dissolves.

3} Take off heat.

4} Add baking soda and stir.
*When the baking soda was added it hardened the mixture, making it come together.
5} Pour carefully onto tinfoil.

6} Allow to cool.

50g sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 TBSP golden syrup

When we were heating it, we added base (baking soda) . Which formed carbon dioxide Cause we were working on acids and base.
Carbonate+acid-- carbon dioxide+water and salt.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Otzi the Iceman (Evidence)


Otzi The Iceman

In social studies we worked on a mini-investigation on a body of a man who he lived during the Neolithic age. His body was found by hikers at Fineilspitze in the Ötztal Alps on the Austrian–Italian border in 1991 frozen but still intact. He was the only body that stayed intact, but have varies wounds and cuts since his death and age, which made him more special. Many were surprised on how he died. A variety of theories were made to solve his cause of death, which is what we have to investigate. Otzi was known as a Sheppard, which made it quite difficult to solve his case. We worked in groups on a theory we think was right.
The theory my group worked on was he was shot by an arrow in the back which caused him to die.
We looked further into the theory so we could persuade others to believe as well. After researching a spending time on this we created a presentation and presented it to the class.

Why is Evidence important?

In my opinion we always need evidence to back-up what we want others to believe. We can't just say things without having evidence, which can create problems for others.The reason we provide evidence so they believe in what we say instead of saying for (e.g) the theory about how Otzi died because of an arrow. No one would just believe we need to explain why we say that. For example Scientists and doctors found an arrow wound on his back including the sharp end end of the arrow inside his body. By presenting this evidence the audience will believe and understand why this theory is believable.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

The Power Of One SEXXY Paragraph


In English we are learning on how to write a SEXXY{Statement, Evidence{example},Explanation of Directors purpose,Explanation of effect on audience, Link.} paragraph about the movie we watched "The Power Of One".  I learned that to I just need to keep my sentences simple and easy for the viewers to easily understand, it can be long sentences when needed.

We wrote the paragraph on one scene from the movie, using each little detail we see.

Contributions- Raven, Ripora, Lenora and Ofa

{S}-The film aspect in this scene has shown a long shot of Sergeant Borman standing directly
across from Geel Piet, who was an African Prisoner.

{E}- In this scene, they used a long shot to show the audience a fair idea of what’s going to happen
next as Sergeant Borman stands assertively with his Baton in his left hand facing Geel Piet’s direction.

{X}-The directors purpose of using the long shot is to help express the mood and outline the main
problem of the scene, which is Sergeant Borman targeting Geel Piet.

{X}-This made the audience want to get involved into the situation and stand up for Geel Piet.
It causes us to be afraid for Geel Piet and feel what he’s feeling.

{Y}- This aspect can be compared to when the director used a two-shot in the scene when P.K was
fighting with an Afrikaner fighter because he may be afraid of what might happen afterwards.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Palaeolithic Age


This poster shows the history of Stone age how things were done.

We know that for generations before ours have a huge difference with the way we live, eat and  think. I researched about the Palaeolithic's age also known as the "Old stone age" which is part of our history. I found that things were done differently from the way they built there houses and how they get food. For example they hunted for fish and animals using stones as a weapon to capture them with. They used animals skin as clothing, and the tools were created differently. The large swathe of time during which Hominids used stone as tools. Ranges from the first known tool used roughly 2.6 million years ago to the end of the last "Ice Age"c. The difference in the architecture was the huts were built close to the sea shore and built using stakes with stones for support.
It is also known that at that time the Clan was always controlled by the elders or the powerful (according to age).

Monday, 14 May 2018

Neutralisation {experiments}


A chemical reaction occurs when you mix together an acid and a base. the base cancels out the effects of the acid. The reaction is called a neutralization reaction because a neutral solution is made if you add just the right amount of acid and base together.

To observe a neutralization reaction.

A test tube, test tube rack, 1 mol L-1 Na2CO3 (sodium carbonate), 1 mol L-1 HCl (hydrochloric acid), dropper or dropper bottle, universal indicator solution.


1) Add approximately 1-2 mL of Na2CO3 and place the test tube into the test tube rack. Add 3-5 drops of universal indicator solution.

2) Using a dropper bottle, add HCl drop by drop. Be careful because adding even a small amount of extra acid can mean you'll miss neutralization point.

The universal indicator helps with changing of colours. The amount of hydrochloric acid(HCl) added helps with maintaining the colour wanted. We worked on making the rainbow colours(ROYGBIV). By adding acid we had created red orange and yellow and by adding (Na2Co3) Sodium carbonate which is a base, we created blue, indigo and violet. Adding both solutions we created green which is neutral.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Making Indicators (experiment)


To make acid-base indicators using everyday substances.

Red cabbage, tea, beetroot, turmeric, cranberry juice, a beaker, water, tripod, bunsen burner, gauze mat, 1.0 mol L-1 HCl and 1.0 mol L-1 NaOH.

Task one:
For cabbage and beetroot:

Chop the cabbage into small pieces until you have enough to fill 2 cups.
Place the cabbage in a large beaker and add water to cover the cabbage.
Boil over a bunsen burner for at least ten minutes for the colour to leach out of the cabbage.
Filter out the plant material to obtain a red-purple-bluish coloured liquid. This liquid is at about pH 7.  (the exact colour you get depends on the pH of the water.)
Place in a small beaker and leave to one side.
Repeat this method for the beetroot.

For the tea:
Put 100ml of water into a beaker and boil.

Turn off bunsen burner and put three tea bags in the beaker.
Remove the tea bags when the tea is very strong.

Place in a small beaker and leave to one side.

For cranberry juice:
Pour into a beaker and leave to one side.
For the turmeric:

Mix 1 teaspoon turmeric in 100 mL cup of alcohol.
Place in a small beaker and leave to one side.

Task two:
1) You now have five beakers, each containing a different indicator.
2) Using a pipette, place 5 mL of the cabbage indicator into two test tubes.
3) Add 5 mL of HCl (acid) to one test tube and 5 mL of NaOH (alkali) to the other test tube.
4) Record the colour change on the table below.
5) Clean the test tubes and repeat for the beetroot, tea, cranberry and turmeric indicators.

Left side is Acid, right is base.

bottom left is tea in acid going up in the left side is beetroot, red cabbage, cranberry juice, and turmeric.
bottom right is tea in base going up in the right side is the same but with base.

middle is turmeric, bottom is acid top is base.

Colour in HCl {acid}
Colour in NaOH {alkali}
Teadidn't change{orange}Dark violet
Red cabbageRedGreen
Cranberry juicepink{light red}Lime-green

Friday, 11 May 2018

Are you addicted to your Phone?


These individuals had their own ideas on the topic which got them answering questions quite well.

From a girls perspective being addicted can be a problem but it’s the choices we make that will increase
those problems. For the students that I interviewed, who are two year 12 girls, doing NCEA level 2 this
year. Which is hard enough to get through, adding another distraction to it makes things more hard and
complicated for them.

The girls I interviewed mostly had the same opinion on when they use their phone and when the
they don’t. They also explained reasons this can become a problem. Anna Pohatu, who is one of the
top excellent students in year 12 expressed what she thought about this topic.
She knows that she isn’t addicted, but there are times where she doesn’t have anything to do then
she goes on her phone. She also gave a brief explanation on why being addicted creates problems.
It is because you are at school to learn not to just waste, not only the teachers time but yours as well.
Students waste time trying to argue back saying it’s their right to use their phone, we know that it’s your
right but you are here to learn. If you are just coming to kill time then might as well just stay home.
Which was also the same with Christina Fifita who is also doing level 2 NCEA.


{S}Are students addicted to their cellphones? {E} In my opinion as a student, “Yes”, students are
addicted to their phones. Around 50% of parents that were surveyed about this topic, were concerned
with the amount of time their children spend on cell phones. For students this isn’t much of a concern.
Students think differently since this is their way of socializing with people around them.
{E}Teachers believe in their case of study, students are just addicted. Even breaks that they have in
school it is still not enough. Because of this their demand for attention online, which can cause
controversies, both online and in person between students. {L}Will this become a problem or can this
be career ending?

{S}Is being addicted to cell phones a problem for children or parents?{E} The most common problem
that occur around this case of study always involves students. Students mindset change the way they
do things. Including the the way they think they learn well with. Which is listening to music and working,
but for them to multitask like this is just an illusion. The influence this has on them can have an impact
on their decisions. Change of students behavior in both school and at home causes huge problems
between, not only parents and the child, but also students and teachers.{E} It is known that between an
addicted student and a addicted drug addict their brain function are the same. This was confirmed when
an MRI scan was done. Because of this their way thinking could also be the same, which can cause
many problems in both their learning and social life. {L}Being addicted is not a problem for everyone,
It’s the choices we make that will influence these problems.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Testing pH {experiment}


Aim: To test the pH of household chemicals.

Equipment: A variety of household chemicals, spotting tile, red litmus paper, blue litmus paper, Universal indicator solution, safety glasses.


1) Add a few drops of each chemical to a spot on your spotting tile. If a substance is solid or powdered you will need to mix it with a few drops of water before testing.

2) Test the chemicals with litmus papers.

3) Test each chemical with a few drops of universal indicator.


Chemical being tested
Colour in blue litmus
Colour in red litmus
Colour in universal indicator
Pledge clean & dust


Morning fresh


Harpic active fresh

Light blue-orange
Sulfuric acid
Sodium hydroxide

Clear acid-red


Chemical being tested
Acid or Base
Evidence from investigation
Pledge clean & dust
Morning fresh
When added universal indicator it becomes slightly acidic
When added universal indicator these become slightly basic
Harpic-Active fresh
When added universal indicator it changed from basic to acidic
Sulfuric acid
When added universal indicator it became acidic
Sodium hydroxide
When added universal indicator it became basic

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Maori Music for a modern Audience


Aotearoa-Stan Walker

  • What style of music is this/ who performs it/ what inspired them to write it?

Style- Contemporary R&B- Pop music

Artists- Stan Walker- Ria Hall- Troy Kingi- Maisey Rika

Inspiration- I think maybe this song was based on who they are as a Maori descent including the meaning to come together and be united.
Also maybe the freedom we have as people and helping each other.

  • What did you like about the music?

The music video and how they planned it thoroughly which gained my attention.
Their unique voices gained my attention and they sang the song with a lot of
soul which was nice.

  • What did you like about the video?

The props they used explained the meaning of the song and the places they
shot the music video was natural which gave it more meaning.

  • Find out what the song is about, can you find aw translation of some of the lyrics?

This song was released by stan walker he decided to release his first Maori song to celebrate Maori language week. Which he sang alongside New zealand artists {Ria Hall- Troy Kingi- Maisey Rika}. This song was also inspired
by the 1984 hit song “Poi E” by the Patea Maori club.

This is the first verse of the song with its translation.

Nō tawhiti, nō tata
No matter if you're near or far

nō te whenua o te Atua tātou
We come from the land of God

ahakoa nō hea mai koe
No matter where you Belong

ka whawhai tonu mātou mōu
We'll fight for your freedom

Prince Tui Teka- is a Maori Singer and actor Teka was a member of the Maori Volcanic's Show band before having a successful solo career.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Camera angle/Movements/shots

In a film, extreme long shot is a view from an extremely long distance, where people appear as small dots in the landscape.

A close-up in a film is a type of shot, which tightly frames a person or and object.

A high angle shot is used to make a person seem helpless or powerless in films, which is shot from above.

A low angle shot is when someone or something is viewed from below.

Dutch angle is when the camera is tilted so that the shot is composed with vertical at an angle to the side of the frame.

Is when a video or film is taken of someone over someone else shoulder.

This shot is filmed from the air and is often used to establish a location.

It establishes the location of the scene.

It is a shot taken of only two people.

Tech and Change


Definition-  technology is the creative process that utilises tools, resources and systems to solve problems. It also enhances control over natural and mad-made environment to improve our lives.

Technology and change. We created a google slide about how old creations changed with technology. Which involves many changes, technology is used everyday but in the old day things were done the hard way but now that machines are made and the technology improved we can create more and it will either be positive or negative.

Here are some examples: