
Thursday, 17 May 2018

Palaeolithic Age


This poster shows the history of Stone age how things were done.

We know that for generations before ours have a huge difference with the way we live, eat and  think. I researched about the Palaeolithic's age also known as the "Old stone age" which is part of our history. I found that things were done differently from the way they built there houses and how they get food. For example they hunted for fish and animals using stones as a weapon to capture them with. They used animals skin as clothing, and the tools were created differently. The large swathe of time during which Hominids used stone as tools. Ranges from the first known tool used roughly 2.6 million years ago to the end of the last "Ice Age"c. The difference in the architecture was the huts were built close to the sea shore and built using stakes with stones for support.
It is also known that at that time the Clan was always controlled by the elders or the powerful (according to age).

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