
Friday, 11 May 2018

Are you addicted to your Phone?


These individuals had their own ideas on the topic which got them answering questions quite well.

From a girls perspective being addicted can be a problem but it’s the choices we make that will increase
those problems. For the students that I interviewed, who are two year 12 girls, doing NCEA level 2 this
year. Which is hard enough to get through, adding another distraction to it makes things more hard and
complicated for them.

The girls I interviewed mostly had the same opinion on when they use their phone and when the
they don’t. They also explained reasons this can become a problem. Anna Pohatu, who is one of the
top excellent students in year 12 expressed what she thought about this topic.
She knows that she isn’t addicted, but there are times where she doesn’t have anything to do then
she goes on her phone. She also gave a brief explanation on why being addicted creates problems.
It is because you are at school to learn not to just waste, not only the teachers time but yours as well.
Students waste time trying to argue back saying it’s their right to use their phone, we know that it’s your
right but you are here to learn. If you are just coming to kill time then might as well just stay home.
Which was also the same with Christina Fifita who is also doing level 2 NCEA.


{S}Are students addicted to their cellphones? {E} In my opinion as a student, “Yes”, students are
addicted to their phones. Around 50% of parents that were surveyed about this topic, were concerned
with the amount of time their children spend on cell phones. For students this isn’t much of a concern.
Students think differently since this is their way of socializing with people around them.
{E}Teachers believe in their case of study, students are just addicted. Even breaks that they have in
school it is still not enough. Because of this their demand for attention online, which can cause
controversies, both online and in person between students. {L}Will this become a problem or can this
be career ending?

{S}Is being addicted to cell phones a problem for children or parents?{E} The most common problem
that occur around this case of study always involves students. Students mindset change the way they
do things. Including the the way they think they learn well with. Which is listening to music and working,
but for them to multitask like this is just an illusion. The influence this has on them can have an impact
on their decisions. Change of students behavior in both school and at home causes huge problems
between, not only parents and the child, but also students and teachers.{E} It is known that between an
addicted student and a addicted drug addict their brain function are the same. This was confirmed when
an MRI scan was done. Because of this their way thinking could also be the same, which can cause
many problems in both their learning and social life. {L}Being addicted is not a problem for everyone,
It’s the choices we make that will influence these problems.

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