
Friday, 31 August 2018

Tomorrow, When The War Began (Can do tasks)



Reverential-  Showing respect while listening to a certain person
For example, in church, while the reader reads we listen.

Distinguish- is to recognize someone from somewhere or figuring out who that someone or something is.
For example, I recognized it was a she, not a he.

Violated- Is breaking a certain rule or failing to comply with something.
For example, breaking rules that were set in a school, like hitting someone.

Scrounge- Is when you try to obtain something for free due to high prices or half price.
For example, Getting free food from someone else.

Astonished- When you are amazed by a certain something or someone.
For example, seeing a performance from your favorite singer that amazed you

Consolated- After a loss of a game you receive advice and comfort from others to improve or console you.
For example, supporting them in a game and celebrating even though we lost.

Gallantry- When you try so hard to a achieve something and in the end, you were finally recognized for your hard work and effort.
For example, working hard in NCEA and you finally got the award for Excellence endorsement in the end.

Stern- Is when someone is really serious about something.
For example, a coach being stern on his team in order for them to win.

Begrudging- Is when you envy other for what they can do instead of you.
For example, I envied she can play sports amazingly.

Crusade- Is doing something or taking lead in various campaigns.
For example, Student councils promoting things in school

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