
Sunday, 12 August 2018

What is Migration?


What is Migration?

Migration is the Temporary or Permanent movement of People from one place to another. There are always reasons why people move.

For example, Push Factors is the things that make them want to move out of their own place or country. Pull Factor is the things that pull the people towards that particular place or country.

Push Factors: Cultural: Different religions/beliefs.
Economic: Lack of jobs/Poverty.
Social: Poor Education, Job restrictions.
Political: Fear or prosecution.
Environmental: Natural disasters like continuous floodings.
Natural: Dirty water.

Pull Factors:
Cultural: Freedom to chose own religion/beliefs.
Economic: Many job opportunities, available resources.
Social: Higher pays, many opportunities in schools/Universities.
Political: a Better political situation.
Environmental: Preferred climate, vegetation.
Natural: Clean water.

Different questions come to mind when thinking about Migration, but people always think about this question. Do I need to move?

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