
Monday, 20 August 2018

Tomorrow, When The War Began (Chapter 11)


1) How does Ellie feel as she is waiting in the truck at the Council Depot? Where do her emotions come from?

* She felt cold, fear and excited as she kept shivering. But the greatest emotion she felt was fear and her fear came from love, love for her friends that she didn't want to let down.

2)Why are the girls smiling when in danger? Is this a logical response?

* They are laughing and smiling in excitement as to what is happening like the truck being used to run over the soldiers small cars. To also cope with the situation.


3) What does wearing a helmet and buckling up mean to the girls?

* They would at least be safe when the truck is randomly turning, and also the helmets could at protect them from dying. The difference between brain damage and death.

4) What does Chris’s story say about the town?

* From Chris's point of view as he watched the soldiers from afar before he even thought about an invasion he just thought everyone went to the Show, but he started noticing that car crashes weren't only accidents there were also bullet wounds and then he started to notice how houses looked like a mess and then he started to believe that the town is being invaded. The showground wasn't the only place that was invaded the enemy soldiers invaded the whole town.

5) What impact does the BMW have on the story? Does Chris seem lonely? Explain your answer?

*The car helps them escape and the BMW helped them escape.
* They got rid of the BMW by pushing it down the dam, which is how they found Chris.
*That if they hadn't gotten rid of the BMW the soldiers could find the connections between them and Chris's family, and maybe something bad would happen to Chris's parents.
*Yes, because he didn't have anyone to talk to while he was alone at his house. All he could do is watch and not do anything and had nothing to do.

6) What is Homer’s explanation for the need to swap cars at Chris Lang’s place? What does this show about the way he is thinking?

* If they leave the shot up BMW at Ellie's house and a patrol arrives something might happen to Ellie's parents. That he cares for others and that no one should have to suffer losing a parent. He is also putting himself in the soldier's shoes to avoid any problems. Strategically

7) What are your thoughts on the story so far...

* I think that the action parts makes me feel more excited about the book and how they enjoy the danger they face with the cars, but so far the book is interesting.

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