1) All the teenagers have a specific role to play in their group. Describe the roles each teenager plays?
Ellie- Leader, she does things with ideas
Homer- Leader, he does things with action
Lee- makes smart decisions, does things calmly
Robyn- She helps everyone, and she is the medic
Kevin- short-tempered he thinks things like black and white.
Fi- is the cautious type like a princess
Corrie- Supportive, the mother figure
Chris- is committed to helping the group
Robyn and Chris would cruise around town, looking for people hiding and getting information.
Kevin and Corrie will concentrate on the showground.
the rest are smuggling in food for everyone.
2) According to what the teenagers hear on Corrie's radio, why would America be best not to get involved in Australia’s struggle?
The general said that America would find themselves in the longest, costliest and bloodiest war in history. Because of the imbalance within the Region.
3) Why is Australia being invaded?
Because of the imbalances within the region, while other countries live in slums Australia has all the goods they need. Resources
4) A reader can infer many things from the snippet of news heard over Corrie’s radio. Which country or countries are likely to have invaded Australia?
(Don't know)
5) How are the prisoners being treated?
They are being treated decently.
6) What do Kevin and Robyn argue about? Do you think Robyn’s points are fair?
They argue about the people that invaded, and Robyn can understand there point of view for invading, but Kevin has so much hatred against the invaders, he gets angry at Robyn for thinking like that. He takes her point as she is supporting the invaders, which she isn't.
1) ¨Paradise of hell¨ is an oxymoron. What does it mean
Hell is like a paradise now.
2) Kevin's hatred of the invaders is quite extreme. Why do you think he is angry?
Because he is scared about what is happening or about to happen.
3) What does the group decide they must do at this point?
Set up a base camp and get more information.
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