
Tuesday, 30 May 2017


On the surface

1}what burger fuel product is this advertising?
  Gluten free buns and burger{product}
2}how much extra will you pay for a gluten free bun?
  Two dollars
3}The gluten free bun is being promoted as a healthy alternative to what?
   To people who are gluten free.
4}The gluten free bun is also free of which other ingredients?
   wheat ,soy and dairy.
5}Who helped burger fuel trial their product?
New Zealand Coeliac Society

Discovering technique

1}List the personal pronouns used in this advertisement and how often each is used. Explain why you think their are so many of them?

Most of the words are pronoun because they give advice for people to buy it and making people get interest in it.

2}copy down the burger fuel slogan?
3}why is burger fuel logo found on both sides of the advertisement?
  So it's a clear view

4}Why are some words bold and centred?
  Because they wanted people to not just look but read what they are trying to present.

5}There is an allusion to a movie and a metaphor linked to the pictures in the text. Find them?

Search and think

1}Find as many links between the verbal elements and the visual elements of this advertisement as you can?
 Telling people more about gluten.

2}who is the target audience in this advertisement?
 Gluten free people

3}list the other burger fuel product promoted in this advertisement?
  Spud and kumara fries.
  Motobites and beer battered fries.

4}read the words aloud.what to notice about the tone?
  That it is convincing when you try and read it the right way.

5}why might someone who is severely intolerant still need to avoid products of burger fuel?
 Because what they use only effects those intolerant.

6}why would an advertisement such as this put the following on their advertisement?
 Because at the time people didn’t think too much about gluten things so it didn’t really matter.
{Information was correct at the time to print}

Hidden depths

1} do you consider this to be a successful advertisement. Why or why not?
  Yes because some people would buy it because it’s bold and gluten free.

2}Create an advertisement for a product that appeals to the health conscious person. Perhaps an allergy-related product {gluten,dairy,egg,nut and etc}
Tea Tree oilImage result for tea tree oil

3}what is gluten. Write a paragraph following the structure you use in your class for a formal essay?

A mixture of two proteins present in cereal grains, especially wheat, which is responsible for the elastic texture of dough.
Gluten is a composite of storage proteins termed prolamins and glutelins and stored together with starch in the endosperm of various grass-related grains. It is found in wheat, barley, rye, oat, related species and hybrids and products of these.Many people experience digestive and health problems caused by eating gluten or wheat.

4}Burger fuel has some creative titles for their product.e.g motobites, hamburgini,third pounder and etc.have some fun creating some titles and descriptors for a fast food or cake shop might link this to a theme e.g sport, vehicles, colours, character and etc?

Extend yourself

1} research what it is about gluten that makes it something that many people are now avoiding?
Because some people can tolerate it but some can’t.
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale (a combination of wheat and rye). ... Around 1 in 133 people in the U.S., have celiac disease - a more serious form of gluten intolerance. In celiac disease,
Gluten triggers an autoimmune response that attacks the lining of the small intestine.

2}research how other fast food chains are trying to have better options for people with allergies?
Some fast food places are giving people more time to explain what the food they are ordering is and what it is.

3}survey your classmates. How many people have {or know people who have} food allergies?
The answer may surprise you? Present your results visually?

4}Is burger fuel a new Zealand company? How long has it existed?Where else does it sell its product?Does it compete with the major fast food outlets?Find out all you can about the company?

Since 1995
Because some people don’t know.


Image result for product advertisements examples

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Know your rights.



Knowing your rights is important when it comes to making decisions on the spot making sure that your rights and the rights of the other person are known so there wouldn't be any problems. by knowing your rights in businesses, meetings and others so no false information are given or known about any partnership in business or personal matters, so no one gets wrong details on the company or other matters. For example 
If consumer is known to have a problem with the product or what they needed make sure that you know their rights on what they want. For that particular business is that it need to have good services like be fit for their purpose, match their description and more. For the rights of the customer or consumer the services must be provided with reasonable care and skill , provided at a reasonable prize so no problems are known. If their are any problems with what was bought or the services make sure to contact the trader you purchased it from, in this kind of situation you need to take matters in to your own hands. 

Thursday, 25 May 2017


Who are they?

Adam Osborne
Compaq Computer.

What did they create?


What challenges did the face?

One version of the story says that Osborne Computers collapsed when Adam bragged to the media about two advanced computers the corporation was working on and destroyed the consumer demand for the Osborne 1.

What helped them succeed?

The result was inventory glut and the company was forced to file bankruptcy. But later research turned up that the machine Osborne had boasted of shipped and put the company back on track until a single executive built up massive debt trying to complete the assembly of older inventory.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017



A mixture is made from different substances that are not chemically joined. Because mixtures are not chemically they can easily separated.

Sometimes mixtures are hard to spot for example concrete.

Separating mixtures

The different substance in mixtures are usually easily separated from one another.


When you swim in the sea you can taste the salt in the water even though you can't see it. when you stir sugar into the water, the sugar seems to disappear, but you know that it must still be there in some form because you can taste it.


Comparing solutions, it is important to know how much solute has been dissolved in the solvent. Terms dilute and concentrated to describe how strong a solution is.


Solution will become saturated when no more solute will dissolve in the solvent. A solution that is saturated has a high concentrated. Solvent evaporates from a saturated solution, solution becomes super saturated and crystals of solute will start to form.

Separating Solutions.

Although a solution is a mixture , the solute cannot be separated from the solvent by filtration.


Evaporation is a simple technique for separating a solid dissolved in a liquid. if we want to collect the solvent we need to trap the solvent as it evaporates and condense it back into liquid.


Chroma is Greek for colour and graphy meaning pictures is a scientific technique used to separate a mixture of two or more coloured pigments, such as inks and dyes. the pigments separate because they have different solubilities in a solvent.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017



Text type: Online book

Title: Secret daughter
Author: Jsworld
Publisher: Wattpad
Date of Publication: 21/05/2017

What is the article about?
This is about a billionaire lived life as a player until he met a girl which was the nerd at his high school 
he never noticed her but when they met 5 years later he found out that she had a daughter with him 
which was a surprise but that was when their lives change as more people found out and more threats were made against the girl and the baby.  

Where/when is it set? 

Who is involved? 
Sebastian {dad}, Charlotte{mum}, Caroline{aunt}, Russel {friend}, Serene{ daughter}, grandparents, security guards

Did I like this article?

I love the article you get to imagine what is happening.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Wood tech


What I am going to try and achieve.

Today I am going to try and finish my project by gluing my decorations on it since all the other bits are done and by adding the decorations everything will be finished.

Friday, 19 May 2017

Wood Tech


What are we doing today ?

Today we will be working on finishing our boxes by adding our 3D handles,decorations and etc.
We are also going to try and make presentable for those who see it.
It can also be something to think of when we are doing the enterprise day we could think of printing 3D decorations as well 


Date:Text type: Online article


Last meal of marriage ended with an Australian man waking up in gassed car, court hears

Author: Herald


Date of Publication:

What is the article about?

this article is about a husband and wife who had problems but the wife tried to finish off her husband and tried to kill him by setting a plan with two other people to work with her and paid them to try and kill him, she also tried to make him dizzy on the night of their last meal so he can not know what they were trying to do.

Where/when is it set? 

this was in Sydney Australia . February 1st 2015

Who is involved? 

Husband and wife, friends, colleagues. 

Did I like this article?

This was an article that can surprise people but I think it was close to being good 

Thursday, 18 May 2017



Konnichi wa 


Watashi wa Lenora desu


Jun san sai desu


Samoa jin desu 


My number is 027-3408-238
denwa bango wa zero ni sichi -san yon zero nana- ni san nana.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Separating solution



Is that a solution will become saturated when no more solute will dissolve in the solvent. A solution that is saturated has a high concentration.

Explain why your crystal is the size they are.

I think that the crystal needed the right temperature for the quantity of copper sulphate to dissolve.
I also think the amount of water and the temperature that was added made the sulphate easily saturated and with that amount being evaporated, from more of sulphate added then it became super saturated.

Are the crystals all the same shape regardless of size.

With the amount of crystal we had, some had the shape Rhomboid.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Reading log


Text type: Novel

Title: The invention of Hugo Cabret
Author:Brian Selznick
Year of Publication:30 Jan 2007

What is the text about?
 This is about a kid named Hugo Cabret, who grew up living a happy together with his dad but things just didn't go the way he planned, days go by when he would steal just to live because not long after school he came and waited for his dad to come but never came but there was a incident that occurred in the museum that his dad worked at that the building got burned and his father was inside and he never wanted to believe it. That very night when he was waiting he fell asleep waking up and his dad was still not home and all he wanted to do was cry after a while all he could think of was who was he going to stay with or he was going to be an orphan witch he didn't want, so his drunken uncle took care of him{not actually care for him} when they were living together in the train station {because his uncle is the time keeper} all his uncle teaches him was how to steal so he can feed himself. The life he was living he didn't so he sometimes tries to escape but has nowhere while walking around the train station be meet Isabelle and that was when his life changed forever.
Hugo worked on the automaton, which was a machine his father and himself were working on. Hugo wanted to find out why his father was so satisfied by this particular machine. So he did.

Where/when is it set?
Paris 1931

Who are the characters?
George Millie's
Monsieur frick
monsieur ta bard 
flower lady
station inspector
Madam Emile

Did I like this text?
I was something to think about if that person was you and everything that happened to him may happen to you, this text was something that made me reflect on it. So I enjoyed this text.

Describe an important character in the text? What makes makes this character important? 


he was somebody who was helpful to his dad and committed to his work and school he loved to fix things and help his father on his inventions he was also a young kid with a huge imagination and a nice personality which made him go on further in the life that he was living.

Because all he did was to finish what his dad started and wanted and even if it would be hard on him but got through till the end.

Image result for hugo cabret

Friday, 12 May 2017



Establishing shot

Extreme long shot

Long shot

Mid shot

Close up

Extreme close up

POV shot

Over the shoulder shot

Bird’s eye view 

Low angle

High angle







Establishing shot-

An establishing shot is usually the first shot of a new scene, designed to show the audience where the action is taking place. It is usually a very wide shot or extreme wide shot.

Extreme long shot-

Long ShotLONG SHOT: In film, a view of a scene that is shot from a considerable distance, so that people appear as indistinct shapes. An extreme long shot is a view from an even greater distance, in which people appear as small dots in the landscape if at all (eg. a shot of New York's skyline).

Long shot-

In photography, film-making and video production, a long shot (sometimes referred to as a full shot or, and to remove ambiguity, wide shot) typically shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings.

Mid shot-

A shot taken from a medium distance

Close up shot-

close-up or closeup in film-making, television production, still photography and the comic strip medium is a type of shot, which tightly frames a person or an object. Close-ups are one of the standard shots used regularly with medium shots and long shots (cinematic techniques).

Extreme close up shot-

Extreme Close Up ("ECU" or "XCU"): The shot is so tight that only a detail of the subject, such as someone's eyes, can be seen. Lean-In: when the juxtaposition of shots in a sequence, usually in a scene of dialogue, starts with medium or long shots, for example, and ends with close-ups.

POV shot-

point of view shot (also known as POV shot, First-person shot or a subjective camera) is a short film scene that shows what a character (the subject) is looking at (represented through the camera). ... The technique of POV is one of the foundations of film editing.

Over the shoulder shot

In film or video, an over the shoulder shot (also over shoulder, ab Tu, OTS, or third-person shot) is a shot of someone or something taken from the perspective or camera angle from the shoulder of another person.

Birds eye view-

A general view from above.


In cinematography, a low-angle shot, is a shot from a camera angle positioned low on the vertical axis, anywhere below the eye line, looking up. Sometimes, it is even directly below the subject's feet. Psychologically, the effect of the low-angle shot is that it makes the subject look strong and powerful.

High angle-

high-angle shot is a cinematic technique where the camera looks down on the subject from a high angleand the point of focus often gets "swallowed up." High-angle shots can make the subject seem vulnerable or powerless when applied with the correct mood, setting, and effects.


tracking shot is any shot where the camera moves alongside the object(s) it is recording. In cinematography, the term refers to a shot in which the camera is mounted on a camera dolly that is then placed on rails – like a railroad track. The camera is then pushed along the track while the image is being filmed.


Camera movement. One of the simplest and most common movements is to turn, or pan (from the word panorama), the camera horizontally so that it sweeps around the scene. It can also be tilted up or down in a vertical panning shot or in a diagonal pan, as when it follows an actor up a stairway.


Zooming in film-making and television production refers to the technique of changing the focal length of a zoom lens (and hence the angle of view) during a shot – this technique is also called a zoom. ... Combined with a dolly camera move it is possible to create the dolly zoom effect.


A "fade" or "fade shot" in golf is a shot in which the golf ball curves gently to the right (for a right-handed golfer) during its flight. A fade that is intentionally played usually starts out a little to the left of the target line before "fading" (gently curving) back to the right to reach the intended target.


wipe is a type of film transition where one shot replaces another by travelling from one side of the frame to another or with a special shape.


Establishing shot-

Image result for establishing shot

Extreme long shot-
Image result for extreme long shot

Long shot-
Image result for long shot

Mid shot-
Image result for mid shot

Close up shot-
Image result for close up flower

Extreme close up-
Image result for extreme close up shot flower

POV shot-
Image result for pov shot

Over the shoulder shot-
Image result for over the shoulder shot

Birds eye view shot-
Image result for birds eye view shot

Low angle
Image result for low angle

High angle-
Image result for high angle

Image result for tracking shot

Image result for panning shot
Image result for zoom shot

Image result for fade shot photography