
Wednesday, 10 May 2017


Which do you like the best and why?

RIP stop the guns 
because it is saying we should stop it before it starts and before anyone gets hurt from it.

Newspaper are one example of an advertising medium. can you think of others?

Magazines, books, phones, posters.

Look at each words. label each word 1 "advertising media " 2 for "methods of advertising" or 3 for "verbs to do advertising"

advertorials 2
banner ads
billboards (AmE)/
hoardings (BrE)
free samples
leafl ets/fl yers
outdoor advertising
product placement
viral advertising

Which of the methods do you connect to which media?


Which of the verbs you identified in exercise B combine with these nouns?

1 a campaign     3 an advertisement     5 a consumer
2 a product      4 an event 6 a message

Chose the most suitable words to complete the sentences.

1 A lot of cosmetics companies give away leaflets / commercials / free samples so that
customers can try the product before they buy.
2 Advertising companies spend a lot of money on creating clever slogans / posters /
exhibitions that are short and memorable, such as the message for Nike: ‘Just do it’.
3 Celebrity exhibition / research / endorsement is a technique that is very popular in
advertising at the moment.
4 If news about a product comes to you by word of mouth / the press / the Internet,
someone tells you about it rather than you seeing an advert.
5 Many companies use post and electronic slogans / mailshots / posters because they
can target a particular group of consumers all at the same time.

Give examples of.

1 any viral campaigns you have read about
2 clever slogans that you remember from advertising campaigns
3 sponsorship of any sporting or cultural events.

What makes a good TV advertisement? think about ones you have seen.use some of these words.

clever interesting funny inspiring eye-catching original

powerful strange shocking informative sexy  controversial 

Do you think that these advertising practices acceptable? are any other types of advertisement offensive.

1 Using children in advertisements

2 Using actors who pretend to be ‘experts’

3 Using nudity in advertisements

4 Using ‘shock tactics’ in advertisements

5 Promoting alcohol on TV

6 Comparing your products to your competitors’ products

7 An image fl ashed onto a screen very quickly so that people are influenced without

noticing it (subliminal advertising)

8 Exploiting people’s fears and worries

Which of the following statements do you agree with?

1 People remember advertisements, not products.

2 Advertising has a bad influence on children.

3 Advertising tells you a lot about the culture of a particular society.

read the article and choose the best headline.

a) Honda predict record sales as advert breaks new ground

b) Honda skydivers push limits of TV adverts

c) Viewers tune out of normal TV advertising; Honda responds

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