On the surface
1}what burger fuel product is this advertising?
Gluten free buns and burger{product}
2}how much extra will you pay for a gluten free bun?
Two dollars
3}The gluten free bun is being promoted as a healthy alternative to what?
To people who are gluten free.
4}The gluten free bun is also free of which other ingredients?
wheat ,soy and dairy.
5}Who helped burger fuel trial their product?
New Zealand Coeliac Society
Discovering technique
1}List the personal pronouns used in this advertisement and how often each is used. Explain why you think their are so many of them?
Most of the words are pronoun because they give advice for people to buy it and making people get interest in it.
2}copy down the burger fuel slogan?
3}why is burger fuel logo found on both sides of the advertisement?
So it's a clear view
4}Why are some words bold and centred?
Because they wanted people to not just look but read what they are trying to present.
5}There is an allusion to a movie and a metaphor linked to the pictures in the text. Find them?
Search and think
1}Find as many links between the verbal elements and the visual elements of this advertisement as you can?
Telling people more about gluten.
2}who is the target audience in this advertisement?
Gluten free people
3}list the other burger fuel product promoted in this advertisement?
Spud and kumara fries.
Motobites and beer battered fries.
4}read the words aloud.what to notice about the tone?
That it is convincing when you try and read it the right way.
5}why might someone who is severely intolerant still need to avoid products of burger fuel?
Because what they use only effects those intolerant.
6}why would an advertisement such as this put the following on their advertisement?
Because at the time people didn’t think too much about gluten things so it didn’t really matter.
{Information was correct at the time to print}
Hidden depths
1} do you consider this to be a successful advertisement. Why or why not?
Yes because some people would buy it because it’s bold and gluten free.
2}Create an advertisement for a product that appeals to the health conscious person. Perhaps an allergy-related product {gluten,dairy,egg,nut and etc}
Tea Tree oil
3}what is gluten. Write a paragraph following the structure you use in your class for a formal essay?
A mixture of two proteins present in cereal grains, especially wheat, which is responsible for the elastic texture of dough.
Gluten is a composite of storage proteins termed prolamins and glutelins and stored together with starch in the endosperm of various grass-related grains. It is found in wheat, barley, rye, oat, related species and hybrids and products of these.Many people experience digestive and health problems caused by eating gluten or wheat.
4}Burger fuel has some creative titles for their product.e.g motobites, hamburgini,third pounder and etc.have some fun creating some titles and descriptors for a fast food or cake shop menu.you might link this to a theme e.g sport, vehicles, colours, character and etc?
Extend yourself
1} research what it is about gluten that makes it something that many people are now avoiding?
Because some people can tolerate it but some can’t.
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale (a combination of wheat and rye). ... Around 1 in 133 people in the U.S., have celiac disease - a more serious form of gluten intolerance. In celiac disease,
Gluten triggers an autoimmune response that attacks the lining of the small intestine.
2}research how other fast food chains are trying to have better options for people with allergies?
Some fast food places are giving people more time to explain what the food they are ordering is and what it is.
3}survey your classmates. How many people have {or know people who have} food allergies?
The answer may surprise you? Present your results visually?
4}Is burger fuel a new Zealand company? How long has it existed?Where else does it sell its product?Does it compete with the major fast food outlets?Find out all you can about the company?
Since 1995
Because some people don’t know.
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